Entering my twelfth week at this school, my usual teaching routines continued as expected. However, this week was marked by a few remarkable events. The most significant one was the assignment my colleague and I received to manage the preparations for MAKA (Majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan Akademik), an Academic Excellence Awards Ceremony. This task consumed our attention from Tuesday to Thursday, and what made it even more special was the invaluable assistance we received from our students. With their help, we successfully completed all the preparations, which truly showcased the incredible teamwork and dedication of our students.
Following this busy period of preparation, Friday brought another noteworthy event as I underwent my second observation session with my mentor. I had meticulously designed an interactive lesson for this observation. However, luck was not on my side as the school faced an unexpected power outage on that very day. Despite this setback, my mentor's unwavering support was the silver lining of the day. She encouraged me to proceed with the observation to the best of my abilities, even within the limitations imposed by the circumstances.
In the face of this challenge, I swiftly transitioned to my backup plan and began the lesson. It was a test of my adaptability and resilience, but I'm grateful to say that everything proceeded smoothly, thanks to careful planning and the support of my mentor. Alhamdulillah, the experience taught me to think on my feet and reinforced the idea that with determination and flexibility, one can overcome unexpected obstacles in the world of education.
Below I include my SWOT analysis.
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